Jennie Bandstra-Shilhanek
Quality Assurance Director and Compliance Officer
Drake Law School- Master of Jurisprudence: Health Law; University of Phoenix- Graduate Certificate: Health Care Compliance and Privacy; Bachelors: Nursing (Capella University), Psychology (Central College); Licensed Registered Nurse
Notable certificate(s)
Certified in Healthcare Compliance and Healthcare Privacy Compliance
Career Background
Jennie has a diverse healthcare background. Her nursing career has included leadership and consultant roles in Long Term Care in addition to direct care roles in Med/Surg and Hospice. She has served as a Compliance Analyst and Compliance Manager at other health care organizations.
General Duties
- As the Compliance and QA Director, Jennie ensures UCS Healthcare follows all applicable rules and regulations. She and her team also implement various Quality Assurance initiatives in an effort to improve efficiencies and compliance within the organization.
Things I enjoy outside of the office
Spending time with family, friends, and my pups. Live music and dancing.