Safe Storage & Disposal of Medicines

Please follow these guidelines when it comes to storage and disposal of your medicine at home.

  • Medicines should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and moisture. Many people store medicines in a bathroom cabinet; however, the heat and moisture from the shower, bath, and sink may damage your medicine.
  • Always store medicine in its original container out of reach and out of sight of children.
  • The misuse of opioid medications can result in Opioid Use Disorder.
  • Get rid of unused medicines safely and promptly. Unused medicines, when not disposed of promptly, can lead to people other than the person it was prescribed for gaining access to the medicine. Here's how to dispose of unwanted medications:
  • Medicines should not be flushed down the toilet because it is bad for the water supply.  
  • You can add unused medications to cat litter or old coffee grounds in an airtight container, shake and dispose of in your garbage.
  • UCS Healthcare offers free one-time use drug disposal bags for you to safely dispose of your unused medicines. Use the form below to request a bag(s) and we will mail it directly to you at no charge. You can also call 515-280-3860 or email us to request a free disposal bag.


Drug Disposal Request Form